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Who we are?

The Local Development Committee of Chomedey (CDLC) is the local intersectoral and multi-network consulting resource in the neighborhood. It mobilizes the community, schools, early childhood, municipal and health organizations, all working on the territory, as well as citizens of the neighborhood, in order to act collectively on the local and social development of Chomedey.  


The Local Development Committee of Chomedey (CDLC) is recognized as a local consultation structure in Laval. It responds to the consultation guidelines that the Laval community has adopted through the work of the action plan of the Regional Policy on Social Development (PRDS) of Laval.

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Our mission

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"Chomedey is an environment that promotes everybody's development and where we can be pro-active together . »

Our vision

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"Chomedey, a neighborhood of human connections, building community with generosity, where sense of belonging generates engagement.

Chomedey, a neighborhood you'll want to choose."


During the 2018-2023 neighborhood strategic planning process, the members, partners and citizens identified the values of the CDLC, and committed to collaborate by respecting these values and the following main principles:




Seize opportunities, persevere without judging, welcome differences, remain authentic, offer a space for thinking/doubts,  risk & go beyond your limits.

Respect the capacity and expertise of everyone, including citizens and organizations.

Promote accessibility in all its forms (physical, economic, informational, etc.) aiming for proximity/human dimension.



Complementarity, create spaces that bring people together, create a sense of belonging, curiosity / inviting others.

Enable confident collaboration through active listening, sometimes consensus & others compromise, highlighting the contribution of each person.

Our history

The CDLC has ensured that several collective means have been put into place to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood. The Local Development Committee of Chomedey was able to establish an evolving model specific to the district, a precursor in Laval, responding to it's real experiences.

A great will and solidarity have driven the organizations and the citizens of Chomedey for over 20 years, which is why the neighborhood is so mobilized and dynamic today.

The major consultation stages since 1997:


Actors and citizens mobilized to act on issues of devitalization of the South-East sector of Chomedey.


 Platform for concerted actions based on observed needs and available resources.


Broader consultation of social actors working with the most vulnerable. *Beginning of "Chomedey en forme", healthy lifestyle approach (supported by Québec en forme) and significant involvement in the first IUR approach in Laval.


First strategic neighborhood planning 2013-2018, and common vision of local development, supported by Centraide of Greater Montreal.

Juin 2016

Incorporation of the Local Development Committee of Chomedey (non-profit) & trust, and coordination of  Integrated Urban Revitalization (IUR)


Implementation of the 2018-2023 neighborhood plan “Faire mieux ensemble". 


Early Childhood Initiative (supported by Avenir Enfants) is born; Le Petit Chomedey.


Second strategic neighborhood plan 2018-2023 linking the IUR approach to the neighborhood plan.


Implementation of the 2024-2029 neighborhood plan.

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